Learning Today,
Leading Tomorrow

"Embrace the transformative journey at CASED Institute, where our commitment to 'Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow' propels individuals toward a future of empowered leadership, market-driven excellence, and sustainable development."

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Get acquainted with CASED Institute.

The Institute of Comparative Analysis for Scientific Environmental Development (CASED) is a private and registered multidisciplinary research organization dedicated to enhancing educational services for youth to foster economic development in Sri Lanka. By employing a market-oriented approach, CASED focuses on formulating scientific development policies that encourage human resource development. While CASED does not yet have TEVC or UGC approval, it offers all online and physical classes free of charge, with only a nominal admission fee of 3000.00 LKR for organizational welfare and sustainability.

  • Talent Development: CASED aims to establish a management system for young people to promote talent development, ensuring quality outputs related to business assignments. It focuses on developing peaceful skills to deliver healthy services and encourages volunteerism to support business assignments and participatory development in the nation.
  • Youth Participation: Encouraging meaningful participation and involvement of all youth is a fundamental aspect of CASED. This involvement is seen as a driver of economic growth and sustainable employment, expanding the capability of youths to participate socially, economically, and politically.
  • Quality Education: CASED is committed to providing access to market-oriented quality education for young people, creating a skilled workforce that contributes to the country's sustainable development. This is achieved through collaboration with government agencies, and international, national, and private organizations in Sri Lanka.

CASED Institute stands as a beacon for empowering youth through comprehensive education, market-aligned skills, and meaningful engagement, contributing to a brighter future for both individuals and the nation.

Why Choose CASED?

By promoting education and knowledge in a formal way in an advanced professional learning new scientific models by expanding knowledge of different system, participatory ways to develop skills and talents to earn in the markets.

Youth Development

Institute of Comparative Analysis for Scientific Environmental Development (CASED) hugely explains the youth development process that prepares a young person to meet success of life by breaking challenges to achieve his or her full potential. CASED has proposed that youth development is promoted through practical activities and experiences those help youth develop social, economic, ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies.


To formulate scientific development policies by encouraging the human resources management system for young people to achieve desired goals in a professional way to obtain the best possible results for long-term development.


Aims to support young people to increase their awareness and understanding of the development of formal and informal education for youth through direct and distance learning methods, such as lecturing, practical sessions and debate, reflection and presentation, meetings, and discussions, to reduce the unemployment rate of youth in the market.